Sibriver Boats
Серия лодок "Хатанга JET" - ТОННЕЛЬНЫЕ лодки с надувным днищем низкого давления (НДНД), сочетают все преимущества лодок с надувным дном и возможности ВОДОВОДНОГО ТОННЕЛЯ (охраняется патентом на полезную модель № 195287):
The Siblodki store offers to buy Sibriver boats in Оренбург with delivery. To date, SibRiver offers the widest range of rowing inflatable boats made of PVC fabric on the market. Special attention is paid to models of boats with an inflatable bottom, which creates additional safety and comfort during operation. Most models are packed as standard in a HERMETIC BAG!!! The hermetic bag is primarily designed for hermetically sealed storage of personal belongings, but can be used as a bag for caught fish, food, liquids, and in emergency cases as a lifesaving means on the water. The boats are assembled using branded fittings from only proven Russian and foreign manufacturers. All SibRiver boats have passed voluntary certification and are subject to extended warranty for materials and finished product.